Set in a large European city, The Devil’s Concubine revolves around two cool, but not too clever hitmen hired to retrieve a mysterious cooler by an unknown party. When the two hitmen accidently shoot their contacts at the exchange without getting their money first, the mess really hits the fan. Chased by the police, a gang of dangerous Rastafaris, and an erratic crime boss out for their blood, the pair bluff and shoot their way through the seedy underworld on their way to the man who hired them – and toward their own destruction!
Selected press:
The Devil’s Concubine is the type of book that can be enjoyed thoroughly if you are looking for a non-stop tale of murder and deceit. However, if you are also looking for a book that is taking a genre that has been done to death and adding a new level of character development, you are in luck as The Devil’s Concubine has that also. Palle Schmidt has created a book that adds another stunning chapter to the already deep and vivid cannon of crime books. The Devil’s Concubine takes notes from its predecessors while rebranding itself into a truly gripping graphic novel.
— Geeks of Doom