First off, thanks to all of you for visiting, following and bookmarking this blog. Nice to know I’m not alone out here! However, what would be even nicer, was if some of you would take the time to comment on some of my posts. So, without further ado, here’s a contest daring you to do so.
The rules are simple:
– Write one or more comments on one or more posts.
– Use English or Danish, or any other language you think I might understand.
– Posted comments must be at least one sentence long, so no one-word comments, please.
– Anonymous posts will be disqualified for obvious reasons. I have to be able to contact you if you win.
By May 1, I will print out all the comments made here on the blog, cut them up and pick a winner out of a hat. So the more comments you write, the bigger your chance of winning 😉
Let’s hear what you have to say!
Hurra! Er det den illustration som du viser her man kan vinde, eller laver du noget andet til lejligheden?
Yep, it't the shown painting you can win. If you have a blood-spattered couch at home, it will fit quite nicely 🙂
That might look nice on my bedroom wall, where I am sure it will do a great job at freaking people out, and maintaining my single status.
I like it, though. Maybe not the bedroom.
Oh. I hadn't thought of that. I can maybe paint over some of the blood. Maybe put a friendly smile on his face, change the bat to a boquet of flowers?
Maybe the motif fits the workspace better. Put it in the kitchen; "Tidy up, or else..!"
I want it. I even went so far as to register for a blog, as that seemed to be the only way you're allowed to post a comment here.
Now I just have to work out what to do with the blog.
I thought everyone was allowed to comment? Hmm, I'll see what I can do.
You can post anonymously and just put your name and/or email in the comment. Should work. Or sign in with a Google account, hotmail or Gmail, you shouldn't have to set up a blog first.
@Vigan: Leave more comments, increase your chances 🙂
Sure. Apparently they changed it, so comments are now automatically linked to my Google account.
Nice meeting you again at Art-Bubble, by the way (totally off-topic, I know, but this seems a logical place to put it, nevertheless).
Didn't know we met. Introduce yourself next time 🙂
Let's try that again: this is really exciting! I can't wait to see the final version 🙂
— Adam S
Det billede passer lige til mine ungers nyfundne entusiasme for zombiejagt (de leger apokalypse i haven og skiftes til at være horden), og jeg er sikker på at svigermor ville blive totalt forfærdet over at se det på vores stuevæg, så det er win/win. 😉
Tillykke i øvrigt med den engelske udgivelse, jeg er sikker på, at det nok skal blive en succes.
P.S. Det ville være super, hvis du kunne gøre det muligt at kommentere med sin Facebook profil. 🙂
Jeg har sat den til "alle", så jeg forstår ikke, hvorfor nogen har problemer med at kommentere. Så længe der er en email i, eller vi kender hinanden personligt, så er der ingen problemer med at kommentere "anonymt".
I,m pretty sure that Frede would love to have you great painting on his wall. He is a big fan of your.. and mine to:-). Hoping to win and wishes you the very best succes. And I know you already have it. Neel:)
As a friend said: "Palle, you have already achieved more than most people would ever dream of"…
I love comic art and I love baseball!
Well, there you go!
Feel free to comment on other posts as well. Are you guys too lazy to click around or what? I want your input, don't hold back 🙂