It’s official; I have been accepted to the Danish Film School screenwriting master class. So next year will be pretty busy…
I posted this news to Facebook yesterday and got over a hundred “likes”. So it seems there are people out there who appreciate my efforts to break from the artist to writer side of things. Not that I plan on abandoning the pen completely. Although yesterday I had to go out and buy new pants in the middle of the day because a cup of ink wash slided off my tilted drawingboard and splashed all over me. That made me kind of tired of the whole drawing thing.
I feel very priviliged and thankful when people recognize my writing skills rather than my art skills. And when a prestigious school like the Danish Film School takes me seriously it does wonders for my confidence. As an artist I have thousands of drawings and paid work proving me an artist, but when is it okay to call yourself a writer? When you’ve written a published novel? When you have written a thousand pages? When you’ve written a couple of short stories, or when writing pays your bills?
Anyway, I just wanted to share my thoughts and my excitement. And I’ll be sharing some more tricks on writing next year so it seems. Come on back.
Congratulations! That's terrific news! I'd be lying if I said I wasn't more than a little jealous. Should be a fantastic experience. Can't wait to pick your brain next time you're back here in the US.
Thanks, Jeff!
Well, I'm sure there are film schools were you are too 🙂 I AM looking forward, it will be great to spend a week a month just focused on story and scripts. Only downside is, the remaining three weeks I'll be running at double speed to make ends meet. It's going to be interesting, that's for sure..
@Jeff; Speaking of movies – I finally watched "Rififi". Your'e right, it's a hell of a heist movie.