“Hotel Parking”? “Oui, Monsieur”. Didn’t sound right, I had them repeat several times, when I finally made it to the check-in desk after more than an hour. That’s the part I hate about travelling: standing in line. Especially when that woman from Aalborg plowed right in front of me, with her seven passports and special needs. The Joker was right; The slightest bit of chaos really brings out the worst in people.
You think if you get to the airport early, all is good and well. I was there five hours early, didn’t help me any! Cancelled flight has me stuck in Paris for the night, like many others going to Copenhagen or Olso. Again it’s time for me to praise the battery time on this iPad. I’ve been working pretty much all day on this, except for the two hours I stood in line to find out what the Hell was going on and when I was getting out of there.
I think of my family and I think of the work that is piling up on my desk, like the snow that is presumably piling up outside, on the streets of Copenhagen. Hopefully my morning flight is not cancelled. I need to get my butt home. First a little dinner and bed time. G’night y’all.
Oh, and Hotel Parking WAS wrong, just like I thought.
It’s Hotel Park Inn…
– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad