I met a British comics writer at NYCC this fall, who was extremely helpful and supportive. So when my wife and I decided to visit friends in London over the Easter, I wrote to my new friend to see if we could cram in a beer during my stay here. Incidentally there was a social event with some comics guys at a private bar last night, so I got more than I bargained for.
I was surprised to learn that Britain knows Danish tv dramas almost as well as we do – and they really like it! Especially the bleak and heavily desaturated crime shows seem to suit the British taste. Very interesting from a wannabe Danish crime writers perspective, and one who is currently studying screenwriting.
Today I was at HMV and saw loads of Nordic crime shows on display, which seemed to confirm what I was told last night over a few too many with British comics pros.
Now I just hope I can actually get something out there before the winds change again and Scandinavian crime becomes “so last year”…
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