Landed in Newark yesterday, the first thing I see out the window is a giant IKEA store. Just like home!
I’m in New York for the annual MoCCA festival which takes place this weekend at the Lexington Armory in Manhattan. Last year was my first, but I was here again in October for a lenghty stay and it actually DOES feel sort of like home…
I crashed for a few hours before meeting up with friends at the weirdest open mike venue EVER. When a naked guy took the stage, it came as no surprise. Firstly, he was the second elderly gentleman to flash his genitalia on stage. Secondly, the naked guy had been sitting at the bar all night. Naked.
We had front row seats for most of it . We did however retract to the back when the band came on, because apart from screaming and pouring fake blood on themselves, they we’re rumored to use tazers on the audience.
Call me square; My first night in New York, I didn’t want to get zapped by some weirdo as part of a stage show. Luckily my friends felt the same way!
I posted a little video on YouTube – No nudity or tazer action, just genuine New York arthouse poetry weirdness. Safe for work!
– Posted using BlogPress from my iPod