I spent a day at Periscope Studio here in Portland yesterday, enjoying the company of some very talented people. I met writer Jeremy Barlow in San Diego last year and we have kept in touch. Yesterday I was finally able to buy him that beer I had been promising. It was great to talk storytelling with someone who seems to know what he is doing and we share a lot of the same sensibilities and influences. I found out he was also a huge James Ellroy fan, and he even knew a couple of Danish bands.
With so many interesting people around it was a wonder I got any work done, but I did manage to get down some character sketches for a pitch I’m puting together with US writer Chris Miskiewicz. Hope you read this, Chris! Yes, I’m on it!!
In answer to what brings all the comics people to Portland, the people I talked to at Periscope seemed to think it was a snowball effect. First Dark Horse moved here, then a bunch of creators, which again attracted more.
Today we head for San Diego, where I will be at Comic Con and the wife and kids will be at the pool. Who get’s the better deal, only time will tell.
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Location:SW Stark St,Portland,United States