Making comics takes a looong time. One of the things that really bothered me about the process, is the setup needed to work. Drawing board, pens, ink, colors, reference books. You also need a scanner and computer for finding references and edits in Photoshop. Before you know it you’ve filled an entire room with clutter an chained yourself to your desk.
The past few years I’ve noticed I really like getting away from my desk, working in different environments. Something happens to your creativity, when you move yourself physically from your usual surroundings. You may have noticed that I blog a lot more when I am on the move, at a convention or travelling. I recently discovered that this iPad is really useful not just for writing on the move, but also compliments my drawing process.
This past month or so, I’ve been hanging out at a studio, moving from desk to desk where ever there’s a spot available. A few years ago, that would have freaked me out and annoyed the Hell out of me. Today, I bring all the references I need on my iPad, which not only requires little space and weighs next to nothing. I can also put it right on my desk. I would never dare do that with my laptop, not with bowls of water around! It would most certainly run out of battery in no time, or slide off the table.
With the iPad, I have access to all the reference pictures I put in my Dropbox at home, AND all the references in the World to be found on Google images. So thanks again, iPad, for making my life easier and me more mobile.
Oh, and I can blog on it too. Sweet.
– Posted using BlogPress from my iPod