Looks good. Haunting. My only crit would be that the plane of the house seems to be leaning backwards–into the frame–with a little counter-clockwise torque on the upper reaches in reference to the plane that the riders are in.
I think leaning is explained by the fact that it's a Photo I shot with my iPhone..! I really like being able to put something up FAST, without scanning and editing. A great way to share what's on the drawing board.
Looks good. Haunting. My only crit would be that the plane of the house seems to be leaning backwards–into the frame–with a little counter-clockwise torque on the upper reaches in reference to the plane that the riders are in.
I think leaning is explained by the fact that it's a Photo I shot with my iPhone..! I really like being able to put something up FAST, without scanning and editing. A great way to share what's on the drawing board.
Thanks for your comment, Jeff!