I’ve often been asked what’s most important as a freelance illustrator. I always say: “Respect your deadlines”.
But what about talent? Sure, that helps. But that’s like a basic thing. Like you need a bunch of shoes to open up a shoe store. When customers rate the importance of personal relation with a salesman higher than than the actual quality of the product, that applies for art as well. I’m sure there are exceptions. The outrageously talented painter who charges obscene amounts of money for his art and treats everybody like shit. Sure. But for the rest of us hacks, what’s most important is we deliver what we promised, on the time that we promised it, and that we don’t throw a tantrum if there are a few corrections.
If you don’t deliver on time, and you’re a pain in the ass to work with, it doesn’t really matter how amazing your artwork is.
For my top 10 freelance advice check out this post on MakingComics.com.